Monday 30 December 2013

Bulgaria - Buzludzha monument - Odd to communism

Builded in 1891 by the communist regime, information about this place is scarce. It was opened in 1981 but never had maintenance and the Bulgarian government never care about it, so it lies abandoned, vandalized, but sure a great place to go and observe the peak of the communist regime, some decorations still are visible.

Visit our Facebook page for a small video, if you want to see more about it our YouTube channel is the answer.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Colombia - Hotel del Salto - Haunted or enchanted ?

Located in the zone of San Antonio del Tequendama and facing the Tequedama falls and the Bogota river this magnific place was built 1924 and closed down in the 90's. This place was a stop to wealthy tourists lookimg for a great place to rest, due the contamination of the river the clients left till his permanent shutdown. Due to the level of suicides the local people believe that is haunted. These days the hotel was revived into a museum. 

For a clip with images and story, visit our Facebook page, if you want to know a bit more about the hauntings check our YouTube channel.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Venezuela - Dragon Falls - The big drop.

Considered to be the world's highest uniterrupetd waterfall, a huge drop if 979meters ( 3212ft) it's located in the edge of the Auyantepui mountain. Due to the location of this place deep in the jungle it's hard to get there but possible. The images speak from themselves.

Visit our Facebook page for a small video.

Japan - Hitachi Seaside Park - A place to relax

Today we leave all the places with rush and adrenaline and offer you a diferent sight, a park with some flower fields that will let you in zen state. Located in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki and covering 190 acres, this park has a unique feature of having fields with blooming flowers all year, like the 4.5 million baby blue eyes flowers that create a magical vision every spring. It's hard to describe what is preferable to see. So we let you with some great images.

Visit our Facebook page for a video, we also have another on our YouTube channel.

Thursday 26 December 2013

USA - California - Racetrack playa - the stones that move.

Racetrack playa is located in the valley of the death a place on the Califórnia desert so harsh that life is almost impossible there, but in a place where life is rare there is someting more that moves across a desert lake leaving a track of it's progress, well for weird as it seems we talking about rocks that move without any intervention of humam. This is one of the most strange phenomenon on planet earth, no one ever recorded the actual movement. but it's visible the track leaved behind some of the rocks have several Kilograms ( Pounds).

For a small video check our Facebook page also we have another video and alot more here YouTube Channel

Wednesday 25 December 2013

South América - Mount Roraima - The mount of 3 countries

Serving as a triple border for Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana this massice mount with table format ( mesa ) it has a plateau on the top with clifs all over measuring about 1000meters ( 621miles) high, the climate and his vegetation has nothing to do with the surrounding it mainly tropical forest. Due to the rain that affect the plateau it's possible to find a huge number caves and similiar rock formations. His top point reach the 2810 meters ( 1746 miles) high. It's flora contain a number os carnivorous plants. A wonder of our world be sure to check it out. 

Visit our Facebook page for a small clip with a shor video and some photos included, for a greater view and more about visit our YouTube channel.

Monday 23 December 2013

Sri Lanka - Ancient city of Sigiriya - city in the rocks

This magnific place was the capital of Sri Lanka it is established in the top of a big rock with 370meters (1213feet) high it was builded during the reign of king kassyapa ( 477AD-495AD).
This fortress city was shaped like lion, the entrance is by the supposed mouth, today it's possible to see the paws of the strucure. this city still present alot of his past glory with geometric gardens and pools. A unique place ready to be discovered by you.

Visit our Facebook page for a small video also you can find more about this place on our YouTube channel.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Peru - Nazca Lines - The design of mistery

Believed to be created by the nazca culture between 400 and 650AD these complex geoglyphs drawings extend for more than 80kilometers (50miles) it contains human figures and alot of animals too, jaguar, monkeys, birds and some insects too. All kind of scientists try to find an explanation, one of the them is that the nazca people done this so that their gods can see it, others theories point to schematics of constelations or even alien intervention. No matter the true about these lines, they are mistery and worth to be appreciated.

For a short video join us on Facebook, if you prefer a more extended documentary look our YouTube channel.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Cambodia - Angkor Wat - The Great Temple.

Temple of Angkor Wat is the remain of a great religious complex builded around the 12century it is today the biggest temple ever builded. First as a place of worship for the Hindi them for the Buddhist, prove that is really a place or power and spiritual connection. This is a massive complex with nature around it, stone and roots live in communion as some animals like monkeys and tigers. If you look for a inner journey in a magical atmosphere this is one very good option.

Visit our Facebook page for a small video about this great place. Want to no more?? visit our YouTube channel for a documentary.


Friday 20 December 2013

Portugal - Lisbon - Panoramic Building of Monsanto

Deep in the natural park of Monsanto-Lisbon this structure was builded in 1968. This building is a great work of modern art with a great view of the capital Lisbon. Shame this place is abandoned but it has a architecture worthy of a visit, great details and areas will take you in a journey to the past, dont forget to watch the sunset or the sunrise, these moments can be magical due the place itself. Contemplate tthe photos by a portuguese photographer. ( Rui Gaiola)
Check our YouTube channel for a video about the natural park of monsanto, we dont have a video about the building available.

Thursday 19 December 2013

indonesia - kelimutu crater lakes

In Indonesia, there is an interesting place for you to visit. kelimutu has 3 crater lakes with distinct colors and they can be red, brown, turquoise and green. This has earned kelimutu a supernatural reputation. People that live there, believe that the spirits of the dead would go there to rest.

Scientists believe that the change of colors are caused as a result of chemical reactions resulting from the minerals contained in the lake.

Also check our  facebook page and youtube channel for more. Hope you like.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Polynesia - Easter Island - Big heads looking to the sky since the dawn of times.

This island located deep in the pacific ocean is famous for his 887 stone heads called moai and created by the Rapa Nui people already extinct. The statues were carved between 1100 -1500 CE. The island contain also stone walls, houses, petroglyphs and wood carving. It's a vast heritage and a place to wonder why this heads all linned up means. Some say that might be a connection with aliens, others simply a remarkable and advanced people that honor their Gods and existence with this stone heads.

For a small video check our Facebook page. if you want more join us on YouTube.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Japan - hell's olf Beppu

Here is a place you might like. If you find yourself around Beppu, a japanese city, you might like the eight hell's of Beppu. This eight hell's as they call it are hot springs, but they aren't for you to bath. This ones are just to see. Their water temperature are way above than the confortable level to do it. These hot springs are located in 2 districts, kannawa district and shibaseki district.

Like our facebook page, comment and share. You can also see some videos in our youtube channel. Hope you like it.

These are some of the hot springs.