Monday 2 December 2013

Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - Favelas

Dated from the 19century the oldest of them all, but most of them date from the 1970 during the rural exodus. They are high populated areas builded by the residents, the most of them in hills around the main city. This areas have a high rate of crime, because of the drug and weapons that run free in some of the areas. This is a place with a great cultural diversity, but for visit you have organized tours for some zones.If you want to have a full experience the best way is to contact some local resident and enter there with it, some zones are controlled by drug cartel and you only be able to pass their controls with someone from there. The most famous Favelas are the City of God, Rocinha, The German complex, but exist many more.                                                  For a video visit our Facebook page.
For some great advices to save money while going out in your adventures click HERE.


  1. Seriously, your work is jaw droppingly gorgeous. Your work makes me want to get out of my surroundings and travel the world. Particularly your Rio De Janeiro image. It reminds me (though it's very different) of Las Vegas while looking out from the top of a skyscraper. Patches of dark mountainous terrain butting up against civilization. So beautiful and puts everything we do as humans into perspective. Sometimes we feel like we are in control of everything and then you step back and realize how seemingly small we really are.

    Amaaaaaazing work!

    Travis - Minneapolis Photographer

    1. Thank you for your comment, It's very important to us to have some feedback. We are doing our best to bring here great places, most of them " off the tracks " giving people the freedom to set their personal journeys without have to follow tours. of course that some risks in the case of the favela is a mix of everything. If you're so interested, i advise you to see "Cidade de Deus" and "Tropa de Elite". They are very good and realistic. thank you for all and share with your friends to help us grow more.
